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Proxy Form

Complete this form if you are not attending the Annual General Meeting and you are a voting member of OPPI (Full, Candidate, Non-Practicing Full, Non-Practicing Candidate, Full (out of province) and Retired members).

It is the responsibility of the member to determine whether the person to whom they assign the proxy to is able and agrees to act in the manner described. If you grant your proxy to somebody other than the OPPI President, please ensure the person is aware that you have granted them your proxy vote. They should attend the AGM ready to vote on your behalf, and identify themselves to OPPI staff before the meeting starts.
Please note that further to Ontario not-for-profit corporation legislation, if the number of proxies granted is less than 5 per cent of the total number of voting members attending the AGM, then motions will be decided at the AGM by a show of hands, and the proxies will not come into play.
It is recommended that you use a personal computer to make your submission. Workplace servers may block this form from being submitted to OPPI.

a voting member in good standing of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI), hereby give my proxy to the OPPI President, and failing them, to the OPPI Secretary-Treasurer.

OR (complete only if you wish to name someone other than the above as your proxy)

as my proxy to attend, act, and vote on my behalf at the OPPI Annual General Meeting (AGM).



Security Question:

To submit this form, click the SUBMIT button. If there are errors or omissions, you will be prompted to correct these and then re-submit the form. Once OPPI has received your proxy form, you will be sent a confirmation email from OPPI that it has been received.