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Indigenous Planning Perspectives

The Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) recognizes its responsibility to participate in the national discussion on truth and reconciliation and to respond to the Calls to Action set out by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) in 2015.
We believe the planning profession can improve its understanding of the detrimental impacts of the imposition of colonial laws and policies on Indigenous Peoples. By connecting this past to the injustices and realities of the present and taking action, OPPI has an opportunity to help foster positive relations with, and respect for Indigenous individuals, institutions, and laws.
By walking alongside Indigenous Peoples, planners, and communities on a shared journey, OPPI can play a significant role in reconciliation and help build a better future.

Indigenous Planning Advisory Committee (IPAC) 

The Indigenous Planning Advisory Committee (IPAC) is made up of volunteers who have experience planning with and for Indigenous Peoples and communities. The goal of this committee is to assist OPPI in implementing the recommendations of the 2019 Indigenous Planning Perspectives Task Force (IPPTF) Report.
The IPAC has identified several guiding principles that are fundamental to the work of this committee and build off the concepts contained within the IPPTF Report:
  • The foundational nature of relationships, both to the land and to each other, and the foundational nature of treaties in understanding those relationships and responsibilities.
  • Understanding and implementing the principles of relationship building and treaty relations will require strong Indigenous participation and leadership in all aspects of planning, including within OPPI.
  • Education is needed for everyone to fully understand their roles and responsibilities within the treaty relationship, and to understand how these treaties might inform planning practice.
Thank you to our IPAC contributors!


Indigenous Planning Perspectives Task Force (IPPTF)

In 2018, OPPI created the Indigenous Planning Perspectives Task Force (IPPTF) and, over the course of the next year, the Indigenous Planning Perspectives Task Force Report, June 2019, was produced to establish context and outline recommendations for moving forward respectfully and in collaboration with Indigenous People, communities, and planners.
Thank you to our IPPTF contributors!

Resource List 

  • Read our list of Indigenous resources.
  • This list is a starting point for planning practitioners to access resources that encourage learning on Indigenous topics. 
  • To suggest an additional resource for this list, or to discuss any other matters pertaining to resources on Indigenous planning topics, please contact