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The Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) is the recognized voice of Ontario’s planning profession with over 5,400 members who work in government, private practice, universities, and not-for-profit agencies in the fields of urban and rural development, community design, environmental planning, transportation, health, social services, heritage conservation, housing, and economic development. OPPI membership is a requirement for professionals who wish to practice as a Registered Professional Planner (RPP) in Ontario. RPPs are the only accredited planning professionals recognized across Canada.
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OPPI membership provides a number of benefits to planners, their employers and the communities in which they practice. These benefits position OPPI members as credible professionals dedicated to excellence in their planning work. OPPI membership benefits include:
OPPI Full and Candidate members must complete their annual Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) credits and maintain a strong ethical standard of practice by adhering to OPPI’s Professional Code of Practice, subject to oversight by OPPI's Complaints and Discipline Committees. Full Member You are a practicing planner who has fulfilled the requirements to be eligible to use the designation "Registered Professional Planner" or "RPP."
Full Member (Out of Province) You are a Full member of CIP and another Canadian planning institute in the province where you live and work. You pay your CIP fee and insurance through that home affiliate, but can become a Full member (out of province) of OPPI. Candidate Member You have been accepted by the Professional Standards Board, the national body that handles applications for membership, as eligible to begin the formal process of becoming a Full member. In this category, you are working toward your RPP designation.
Pre-Candidate Member You intend to become a Candidate member but do not yet qualify for Candidate membership. This may include having a recognized planning degree, but are not yet working in planning. This may also include not having a recognized planning degree, are working in planning, but have been working in planning less than 5 years.
Student Member You are enrolled full-time in a secondary or post-secondary school and have an interest in planning.
Retired Member You are a Full member who is not engaged in the activity of planning for gain. Lifetime Lifetime membership is automatically granted to Retired Members who have been retired for three years or more and who have been Full members in good standing for more than 35 years. As a Lifetime member, you are entitled to use the designation “Registered Professional Planner (Lifetime)” or “RPP (Lifetime).” Non-Practicing Member You are not engaged in the activity of planning for gain. As a Non-Practicing member, you are only eligible to use the designation “Registered Professional Planner (Non-Practicing)” or “RPP (Non-Practicing).” As you are not practicing for gain, you are not eligible to use an RPP seal. Non-Practicing members are entitled to vote on OPPI matters, act as a sponsor or mentor, but are not eligible to be elected as a Director of the Institute. Non-Practicing members are also exempt from the Institute’s Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) requirement for up to five years. Public Subscriber You are a non-planner and do not practice or intend to practice planning, but do have a general interest in planning and in OPPI. Are you still unsure which category you fit into? Explore our category questionnaire! See what member category you may fall under based on how you would categorize your interests.
Installment Payment Plan
OPPI offers a three-installment payment plan for members who require payment flexibility. Interested members should contact and to arrange participation in this payment plan.
BMS Canada Risk Services (BMS) is our exclusive insurance broker for our member liability insurance program, including Errors & Omissions (Professional Liability), Commercial General Liability, Legal Entity, Cyber Security & Privacy Liability, and the Legal Services Package. OPPI-BMS INSURANCE BROCHURE FAQs The following content has been developed in partnership with OPPI’s insurance broker, BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd. (BMS). It is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute broker advice. Please speak with a broker at BMS if you have any questions about your insurance coverage or your specific insurance needs. Professional Liability Coverage As part of your membership fees, OPPI offers Error & Omissions (Professional Liability) insurance coverage for all Full, Candidate, Retired and Non-Practicing members of OPPI. A summary of liability coverage and your insurance certificate is available by logging into your member profile. Commercial General Liability, Legal Entity and Cyber Security & Privacy Liability Coverage OPPI also offers Commercial General Liability, Legal Entity, Legal Services Package and/or Cyber Security & Privacy Liability coverage for sole proprietors and incorporated entities that conduct business in their home or at their own practice. This optional insurance can be purchased through our broker, BMS. Contact BMS: 1-844-294-2714 or