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About OPPI

The Ontario Professional Planners Institute (OPPI) is the recognized voice of Ontario’s planning profession with over 5,400 members who work in government, private practice, universities, and not-for-profit agencies in the fields of urban and rural development, community design, environmental planning, transportation, health, social services, heritage conservation, housing, and economic development. Our student members attend undergraduate and graduate planning programs at six accredited Ontario universities. Members must meet quality practice requirements and are accountable to OPPI and the public to practice ethically and to abide by a Professional Code of Practice. Only full OPPI members are authorized by the Ontario Professional Planners Institute Act, 1994, to use the title Registered Professional Planner (or RPP).


With foresignt, leadership and professionalism, Registered Professional Planners create and manage change in the built, natural and social environments for the common good.


The mission of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute is to leverage knowledge, resources, and relationships to facilitate excellence in planning by professional planners.


OPPI is mandated by the Ontario Professional Planners Institute Act and OPPI By-Law to grant the Registered Professional Planner (RPP) designation, govern members' rights and responsibilities, and set academic and examination requirements for membership. OPPI strives to build RPP as a trusted professional designation among private and public planners, decision makers, and the public.

OPPI promotes professionalism in the planning practice and advocates for industry best practices. OPPI is a trusted voice on planning matters and is the go-to resource in Ontario. OPPI benefits from having a vast and diverse membership and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise for the betterment of planning in Ontario.