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Garett Stevenson, MCIP, RPP, and Rosa Bustamante, MCIP, RPP,

Garett-Stevenson-Headshot.jpgGarett Stevenson, BES, MCIP, RPP, is the Director of Development and Housing Approvals at the City of Kitchener, a Registered Professional Planner, and a Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners. He has a Bachelors of Environmental Studies (Honours Planning) from the University of Waterloo. Garett leads and empowers an innovative team of professionals specializing in progressive and equity-based city building. Garett builds consensus with community, colleagues, and the industry by establishing and building on strong relationships. Garett thrives when working together to implement a progressive planning portfolio that includes development review, cultural and natural heritage, and a collaborative site plan review process. Garett builds on successes through continuous improvements and providing leading customer service.

Rosa Bustamante, MCIP, RPP, is the Director of Planning & Housing Policy at the City of Kitchener,Rosa-Bustamante.jpeg one of the fastest growing cities in Canada.  Her current portfolio includes policy planning, realty services and various housing-related initiatives.  Rosa has supported transformative projects in Kitchener including the award-winning downtown policy and zoning framework with inclusionary zoning (Growing Together); the comprehensive review of the zoning by-law; district energy feasibility and emerging housing initiatives and programs. She holds an Honours Co-op Bachelor’s degree from the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo and an Urban Design Certificate from Simon Fraser University. Known as an innovative and strategic leader, Rosa brings a solutions-focused approach to her team’s work advancing light rail transit-oriented development, growth management and housing related initiatives.