Janice Barry (Ph.D., RPP, MCIP), University of Waterloo

Janice Barry is an Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo’s School of Planning. She held previous positions at accredited planning schools at the University of Manitoba, University of Sheffield (UK) and University of Glasgow (UK) and was educated at the University of British Columbia’s School of Community and Regional Planning. She also worked as a protected area and natural resource planner for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources before embarking on her career as a planner scholar and educator. Much of Janice’s work is focused on exploring the intersections between planning, Indigenous self-determination, and colonialism. She also teaches and conducts research on participatory approaches to planning.
Morgan Boyco (Ph.D. Candidate, RPP, MCIP), University of Waterloo
Morgan Boyco MCIP RPP is a PhD Candidate in the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo. Mor

gan’s research focuses on public participation, contemporary planning and democracy theory, and the use of the latest digital civic engagement technologies to support local public participation processes. Morgan is also a professional planner and community engagement practitioner with Dillon Consulting with over a decade of experience working with municipalities across Canada to more effectively involve their community members in local decision-making processes.