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EcoVue Consulting Services

Community Engagement, Development Application Services, Official Plans, Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) Services, Zoning By-Laws
Aggregate Planning, Feasibility Studies, Housing Policy, Design or Implementation, Agricultural Planning, Rural Planning

Our knowledgeable and solution-oriented team of professionals works with developers and private land owners to maximize their odds of project success by identifying and minimizing planning obstacles. Our familiarity with the area in which we provide services ensures that we will provide relevant and practical solutions to the most challenging of projects.

Our continued success can be attributed to our multi-disciplinary approach. Our team includes Urban Planners, Rural Planners, Planning and Design Technicians as well as Civil Engineering and Survey Technologists, and Administrative Staff.  We work closely with professionals from a broad range of disciplines, including agrologists, archaeologists, biologists, civil engineers, hydrogeologists, traffic experts, surveyors and others, carefully matching their areas of expertise to each specific project we undertake. We are proud of our ability to manage complicated projects from start to finish.

Our strong working relationships with municipal planning and administrative staff, as well Provincial Ministries and government agencies has resulted in the successful completion of hundreds of development projects across Ontario. We appear regularly before Planning Advisory Committees, Committees of Adjustment, and Municipal Councils on behalf of our clients, gaining the respect of these decision makers in our role as professional planners.

EcoVue assists non-profit corporations, such as, assisted living and group homes, religious institutions and registered charities with planning services, with consideration given to the financial constraints experienced by this client group.

EcoVue also assists public sector clients, including municipalities, provincial government ministries and agencies to achieve positive outcomes by providing expertise in policy review and development, municipal plan review and technical analysis.

Above all, we value the relationships which we develop with our clients. Planning is a complicated endeavor and one which is not well understood by most of those who embark on land use development projects. We understand the 


EcoVue Consulting Services Inc.
416 Chambers Street
Peterborough, ON K9H 3V1

Kent Randall, Principal Planner

Kent is the Principal Planner and owner of EcoVue Consulting. Born and raised in Peterborough, he graduated from the University of Waterloo School of Planning in 2008 with a Bachelor of Environmental Studies (B.E.S.). Since coming back to the area and joining the firm in 2009, he has developed excellent skills in policy development, land use analysis, effective community consultation and project management. Kent is currently the planner of record for the Townships of Brock and Otonabee South-Monaghan, and the Towns of Deseronto and Kearney.

He provides planning and project management services for a number of private clients in municipalities from Dufferin County and Simcoe County in the west, to the Region of Durham and the County of Northumberland to the south, the County of Haliburton to the north and the County of Hastings to the east, as well as the City of Kawartha Lakes, and the County and City of Peterborough. Kent has appeared numerous times before the Ontario Land Tribunal (and its predecessors, the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal and the Ontario Municipal Board) as an expert witness in land use planning and development.

In his role as Principal Planner, he oversees the day to day operation of EcoVue’s head office.

Kent is a Registered Professional Planner (RPP) and a full member of the Canadian Institute of Planners (MCIP).