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2024 PlanON Award WinnerS

Congratulations to this year’s 13 recipients and thank you to all
applicants who made a PlanON Awards submission this year.

The PlanON Awards is the highest honour OPPI can bestow!

This year, we received a high number of awards submissions which made the selection process very difficult for our jurors and is a testament to the exceptional achievements of OPPI members who demonstrated professional excellence and a commitment to advancing the planning profession in Ontario. 


City of Kitchener's "Growing Together":

Growing Together is a bold, first-of-its-kind planning framework for Major Transit Station Areas, which are the lands surrounding Kitchener’s ION light rail transit system. Through newly created “Strategic Growth Area” land uses and zones, Growing Together is the most housing-forward, permissive, and flexible planning framework in Canada, utilizing carefully calibrated, custom-designed policies such as the removal of parking minimums and density maximums, and implementing new, responsive built-form regulations. Growing Together is built on an award-winning, equity-driven engagement process and used advanced smart modeling and analysis tools to directly translate community feedback into the land use policy and zoning regulation framework. 

OPPI Team Members:

  • Rosa Bustamante – MCIP, RPP 
  • Natalie Goss – MCIP, RPP 
  • John Zunic – MCIP, RPP 
Non-OPPI Team Members:
  • Adam Clark
Rosa Bustamante, MCIP, RPP is the Director of Planning & Housing Policy at the City of Kitchener, one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. Her portfolio includes policy planning, realty services and housing-related initiatives. Rosa has supported transformative projects in Kitchener including the new downtown policy and zoning framework (Growing Together); the new zoning by-law; district energy feasibility and emerging housing initiatives. Known as an innovative and strategic leader, Rosa brings a solutions-focused approach to her team’s work advancing light rail transit-oriented development, progressive growth management and affordable housing initiatives. 
Natalie Goss, MCIP, RPP is the Manager of Policy & Research with the City of Kitchener's planning team. Over the past few years, her work has focused on championing new and innovative ways to engage community in key land use decisions. As part of the implementation of Kitchener's Housing for All Strategy, she supports Kitchener's Lived Expertise Working Group and furthers meaningful community engagement through projects like 'Growing Together' by using smart modeling as a tool to transform community input into informed policy recommendations. 
John Zunic, MCIP, RPP is a Senior Planner with the City of Kitchener's Planning and Housing Policy Division. He was a key member of the Growing Together project team that developed a new planning framework for the City of Kitchener’s Protected Major Transit Station Areas. John holds an Honours Co-op bachelor’s degree from the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo. 


  • Brampton Plan
  • City of Kitchener's Growing Together
  • City of Hamilton's Environmental Remediation and Site Enhancement (ERASE) Community Improvement Plan Review
Brampton Plan:

Brampton Plan provides the path forward to implement the aspirations of the Brampton 2040 Vision and achieve a sustainable, urban, and vibrant future for the city. Brampton Plan is the culmination of over three years of background and technical studies, as well as extensive public consultation which now serves as a blueprint for inclusive community engagement, that has helped shape how Brampton will grow and develop to the year 2051. As first-generation greenfield development winds down, growth will transition to infill and intensification, and opportunities will be created to design compact and complete communities. Brampton Plan is the city’s roadmap to managing and directing growth, improving livability, quality of life and place-quality. 

OPPI Team Members:

  • Anand Balram – MCIP, RPP 
  • Gregory Bender – MCIP, RPP 
  • Shannon Brooks-Gupta – MCIP, RPP 
  • Tristan Costa – MCIP, RPP 
  • Nadia Dowhaniuk – MCIP, RPP 
  • Steve Ganesh – MCIP, RPP 
  • Matt Rodrigues – MCIP, RPP 
  • Andria Sallese – MCIP, RPP 
  • Geoffrey Singer – MCIP, RPP 
  • Jessica Yadav – Pre-Candidate  
  • Henrik Zbogar – MCIP, RPP 
Non-OPPI Team Members:
  • Andrew McNeill
Anand Balram, MCIP, RPP, a proud Brampton native, has spent over 12 years in urban planning, passionately enhancing the city's livability and sustainability. With a master's in Economic Development and Innovation and a bachelor's in Environmental Studies in Planning from the University of Waterloo, Anand has led transformative projects such as the Brampton Plan, the Brampton 2040 Vision, Measuring Sustainability Program, and the Heritage Heights Secondary Plan. His visionary work has shaped the community, promoting sustainable practices and elevating the quality of life. Now leading a planning division in South Florida, Anand remains dedicated to creating vibrant, sustainable communities. 
Gregory Bender, MCIP, RPP is WSP’s Director of Urban and Community Planning with over 20 years of municipal planning experience in the preparation of regional and local planning and growth management studies in some of the fastest growing areas in the country. These studies have been completed, or are currently underway, for upper, lower, and single-tier municipalities which are all facing significant growth pressures that must be balanced with available land supply, transportation pressures, and intensification. 
Shannon Brooks-Gupta, MCIP, RPP is the Manager - Official Plan and Growth Management at the City of Brampton. She works alongside an innovative and passionate team focused on leading Official Plan updates, Secondary Plans, growth management studies, and housing policy initiatives. She holds a BA Honour’s from Carleton University, a Master of Public Policy from the University of Toronto, and a Master's of Planning from the University of Waterloo.
Tristan Costa, MCIP, RPP works with a team dedicated to delivering on the city’s long-range planning goals for future growth, development and sustainability through the city’s Official Plan (Brampton Plan) – a path forward to implement the Brampton 2040 Vision. 
Steve Ganesh, MCIP, RPP has 26 years of experience in various aspects of city building. In his role as Commissioner, Planning, Building & Growth Management at the City of Brampton, Steve provides leadership and oversight to over 200 staff charged with the implementation and delivery of key Council priorities and projects in Canada’s ninth largest City. 
Matt Rodrigues, MCIP, RPP is a senior planner who is passionate about creating adaptable policy and meaningful community engagement and education. Matt is currently leading community engagement and growth strategy for the City of Kitchener's new Official Plan. 
Andria Sallese, MCIP, RPP is a professional land-use planner, project manager, and policy planner with 20 years of experience delivering the full gamut of planning projects – from Official Plans to local area studies – that demand critical judgment, forward-thinking, and accountability. Her dedication to public service, and desire to make a positive impact, drive every project she undertakes. Andria is passionate about engaging communities using innovative public engagement methods and firmly believes that by fostering consensus around shared visions, goals, and objectives – while being forward-thinking and embracing change – we can develop policies that reflect our communities' collective aspirations. 
Geoffrey Singer, MCIP, RPP is the Acting Manager, Official Plan & Growth Management with the City of Brampton. In his previous role, he developed and implemented innovative growth management policy approaches for the Government of Ontario. 
Jessica Yadav works to deliver long-range planning and housing projects with a team that is dedicated to city building for and with people and is passionate about planning for sustainable growth through the City’s Official Plan (Brampton Plan). 
Henrik Zbogar, MCIP, RPP is Director of Integrated City Planning at the City of Brampton, leading a talented team of professionals whose diverse portfolio includes land use policy and growth management, housing, heritage, and mobility planning. In his 25 years with Brampton, Henrik has held positions in Public Works, Transit, and Planning, overseeing the city’s Transportation Master Plan, the Zűm Bus Rapid Transit Plan, Complete Streets Guidelines, and most recently, completion of the city’s new Official Plan. He is a passionate advocate for sustainable mobility and active transportation in creating an equitable, vital, and engaging city. 

City of Kitchener's Growing Together:

Growing Together is a bold, first-of-its-kind planning framework for Major Transit Station Areas, which are the lands surrounding Kitchener’s ION light rail transit system. Through newly created “Strategic Growth Area” land uses and zones, Growing Together is the most housing-forward, permissive, and flexible planning framework in Canada, utilizing carefully calibrated, custom-designed policies such as the removal of parking minimums and density maximums, and implementing new, responsive built-form regulations. Growing Together is built on an award-winning, equity-driven engagement process and used advanced smart modeling and analysis tools to directly translate community feedback into the land use policy and zoning regulation framework. 

OPPI Team Members:

  • Rosa Bustamante – MCIP, RPP 
  • Natalie Goss – MCIP, RPP 
  • John Zunic – MCIP, RPP 
Non-OPPI Team Members:
  • Adam Clark
Rosa Bustamante, MCIP, RPP is the Director of Planning & Housing Policy at the City of Kitchener, one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. Her portfolio includes policy planning, realty services and housing-related initiatives. Rosa has supported transformative projects in Kitchener including the new downtown policy and zoning framework (Growing Together); the new zoning by-law; district energy feasibility and emerging housing initiatives. Known as an innovative and strategic leader, Rosa brings a solutions-focused approach to her team’s work advancing light rail transit-oriented development, progressive growth management and affordable housing initiatives. 
Natalie Goss, MCIP, RPP is the Manager of Policy & Research with the City of Kitchener's planning team. Over the past few years, her work has focused on championing new and innovative ways to engage community in key land use decisions. As part of the implementation of Kitchener's Housing for All Strategy, she supports Kitchener's Lived Expertise Working Group and furthers meaningful community engagement through projects like 'Growing Together' by using smart modeling as a tool to transform community input into informed policy recommendations. 
John Zunic, MCIP, RPP is a Senior Planner with the City of Kitchener's Planning and Housing Policy Division. He was a key member of the Growing Together project team that developed a new planning framework for the City of Kitchener’s Protected Major Transit Station Areas. John holds an Honours Co-op bachelor’s degree from the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo. 

City of Hamilton's Environmental Remediation and Site Enhancement (ERASE) Community Improvement Plan Review:

In 2023, the City of Hamilton's Economic Development Division completed and implemented, with unanimous Council and stakeholder support, a comprehensive update to the Environmental Remediation and Site Enhancement (ERASE) Community Improvement Plan and Community Improvement Project Area by-laws and the associated financial assistance programs for brownfields. The update was the most significant since the ERASE CIP was first introduced in 2001 with the 2023 review marking a major shift in focus that sought to better leverage incentives to achieve additional community, planning and Council priorities on brownfields including better incentivizing environmentally sustainable, climate-friendly developments and remediation practices; providing new financial assistance towards not-for-profit housing developments on brownfields; and the inclusion of affordable housing in private-sector market developments on brownfields. 

OPPI Team Members:

  • Phil Caldwell – MCIP, RPP 
Phil Caldwell, MCIP, RPP is a registered professional planner with over 16 years of municipal experience with a specific focus on innovative policy and program development to drive change and support urban intensification and revitalization. Phil is a graduate of the University of Waterloo’s School of Planning and has previously served as a planner for the cities of Calgary and Burlington, and for the Region of Waterloo. He is currently the Senior Project Manager for urban renewal at the City of Hamilton, where he leads urban renewal initiatives and projects supporting Hamilton's revitalization and economic resurgence including responsibility for the City’s Community Improvement Plans and brownfield redevelopment. 


  • Vision SoHo 
  • Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods (EHON) Multiplex Study, Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments 
  • Jane Finch Mall Planning & Engagement Process (jfm+) 
  • Township of Clearview Official Plan  

Vision SoHo:

Vision SoHo is a redevelopment of the Old Victoria Hospital lands in London, Ontario, and has been recognized as an innovative, first-of-its-kind partnership for the delivery of affordable housing, and is the largest affordable housing development in the City of London. The project involved the celebration of the site’s unique heritage through preservation of the Health Services and War Memorial Children’s Hospital Heritage Buildings. The development is currently under construction.

The master-planned project results in the delivery of 684 dwelling units, including 379 Affordable Units, through a collaborative partnership among six local non-profit organizations, the London Community Foundation, the City of London, and a number of community groups. The project provides much needed housing directly to priority groups that include: low-income households, persons with complex disabilities and/or limited mobility, indigenous persons, and women and children from shelter housing.

OPPI Team Members:
  • Harry Froussios – MCIP, RPP 


Harry Froussios, MCIP, RPP, is a Principal Planner with Zelinka Priamo Ltd., with over 30 years of professional planning experience. Harry has been a member of OPPI and CIP since 2005. Harry has been involved in development projects throughout Ontario, obtaining planning approvals for a diversity of clients and land uses. In recent years, Harry has utilized his extensive experience in development planning to assist municipalities, private sector clients, and non-profit organizations in securing various planning approvals for the purpose of addressing the need for more affordable housing.

Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods (EHON) Multiplex Study, Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments:

In 2023, Toronto City Council adopted Planning staff recommendations to permit duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes in low-rise residential neighbourhoods across the city, amending Official Plan policies and historic zoning that previously restricted many of these areas to single-detached housing with a secondary suite. These recommendations were developed by a team of planning professionals on the Multiplex team of the City’s Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods initiative, which seeks to unlock opportunities for gentle density through “missing middle” housing permissions. Following extensive engagement, robust analysis and careful balancing of objectives, the Multiplex team developed a strategy for expanding policy and zoning permissions that enables additional housing options for Toronto’s diverse, dynamic and growing population within its existing communities through incremental, sustainable growth.

OPPI Team Members: 

  • Chris Hilbrecht, RPP
  • ​Aileen Keng, RPP 
  • Kyle Knoeck – RPP, MCIP 
  • Daniel Kolominsky – Candidate Member 
  • Deanne Mighton – RPP. LEED AP 
  • Sarah Ovens – Candidate Member 
  • Caroline Samuel – MCIP, RPP 
  • Carla Tsang – MSc.Pl, Candidate Member 
  • Matthew Zentner – MPl, Candidate Member 

Non-OPPI Team Members: 

  • Junayed Chowdhury
  • Melanie Melnyk  
  • Phillip Parker  
  • Michael Sakalaukas                      
  • Joshua Wise 
Kyle Knoeck, RPP, MCIP, is the Interim Chief Planner of the City of Toronto. One part of his 25-year career at the city has been to lead efforts to modernize Toronto’s zoning regime and to expand housing opportunities in Toronto’s low-rise neighbourhoods through zoning that permits a broader range of housing types.
Daniel Kolominsky is a Community Planner with the City of Toronto. Daniel holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Guelph and Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Degree from Toronto Metropolitan University. Daniel assisted in the Multiplex study and approval and is leading the city's Multiplex monitoring program tracking the implementation of multiplexes. 
Deanne Mighton, RPP, LEED AP, has over 20 years of experience in municipal, regional, and international urban planning and city building. She has worked with organizations such as Metrolinx and the City of Toronto, in addition to organizations within the private sector. She holds an Honour’s Bachelor of Applied Science in Urban and Regional Planning and a master’s in Urban Design. She has led innovative initiatives such as the Design Engagement pilot at Metrolinx and served as a Senior Urban Designer for Toronto's Waterfront. Her portfolio includes successful affordable housing projects and navigating stakeholders in politically sensitive projects, showcasing her expertise in delivering impactful urban outcomes. She is a Project Sponsor for the Eglinton Cross Town West, focused on the integrated Landscape and Restoration plan. This plan will be presented at the OALA conference this fall, demonstrating her ability to manage large-scale and complex urban design and city-building challenges with a focus on sustainability and community engagement. 
Sarah Ovens, RPP Candidate, is a Senior Planner at the City of Toronto, North York District. She has a BES honour’s degree from the University of Waterloo. She has been working at the City of Toronto since 2013 in a number of roles, but mainly development review in Community Planning. She worked with the EHON team on the Multiplex Study in its early phases and helped develop the Guiding Principles, Approach, Community Consultation and Policy review. 

Caroline Samuel, MCIP, RPP is the Acting Director, Zoning and Committee of Adjustment, in the City Planning Division at the City of Toronto. Caroline has over 19 years of experience in planning in the public sector and has spent the past seven years at the City of Toronto, leading the development of zoning regulations to address emerging city-wide planning policies. Prior to joining the city, Caroline held progressively responsible roles in land use policy and implementation at Peel Region and in the Ontario Public Service.  

Caroline has also been an active volunteer with OPPI's Toronto District since 2014.  She has been involved in planning numerous professional development and social events for the district over the years. Besides her involvement with OPPI, Caroline also co-founded and volunteered with the MES York University Planning Alumni Committee for 10 years. 

Carla Tsang is the zoning lead and principal author of the zoning by-law for the Multiplex Study. She is currently a Senior Planner in the Zoning Section and has practiced at the City of Toronto since 2013. Carla has extensive experience with complex development approvals and leading policy initiatives to modernize Toronto's harmonized zoning by-law. In addition to the Multiplex Study, Carla has led the development of zoning standards for the city-wide Parking Study, which removed parking minimums across Toronto, Midtown Zoning for the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan, and is the current project lead for the Apartment Infill Study in Toronto's Housing Action Plan. Carla holds a Master of Science in Planning from the University of Toronto. 
Matthew Zentner was a Senior Planner in the Zoning Section of City Planning, and helped develop the EHON Multiplex zoning by-law amendments. He recently relocated to Vancouver where he is a Senior Planning Analyst in the Ministry of Housing working on housing policy, including implementation of Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) policies. 

Jane Finch Mall Planning & Engagement Process (jfm+):

Jane Finch Mall is a shopping centre and informal community hub located on a 17-acre site in the heart of Jane and Finch, one of the most multicultural neighbourhoods in the Greater Toronto Area. For 50 years, the mall has been home to retailers, social services, event spaces, and informal places for all community members to connect and meet their daily needs.   

OPPI Team Members: 

  • Yasmin Afshar – Candidate Member, DICE 
  • ​Craig Lametti – MCIP, RPP 
  • Emily Reisman, MCIP, RPP, IAP2 
  • Keisha St. Louis-McBurnie – Candidate Member 
Yasmin Afshar is a planner and writer who is interested in where and how we live, and the impacts this can have on our identity and wellbeing. Working at the nexus of planning, design, and community engagement, Yasmin has a deep appreciation for the impact that connection and belonging can have on our lives, and the importance of histories and lived experiences to place and space. She has written about loneliness, affordability, grief, and human-centered urban planning and design for several publications. In her eight years of experience, Yasmin has contributed to over 30 public and private-sector initiatives, with a focus on equitable revitalization, transit-oriented development, and community-centered and inclusive design processes.   
Craig Lametti, MCIP, RPP plays a lead role in Urban Strategies’ transit-supportive design, regeneration, and community design practice. His public and private sector work ranges from station-related exercises to corridor-wide and regionally scaled strategic plans, aligning investments in new transit, mobility, place-making, and community infrastructure to support more complete communities. He is currently leading the planning for the Scarborough Town Centre, the urban design components for the development of a new net-zero community in partnership with the Algonquins of Ontario and developing a Secondary plan to guide growth along the future Yonge Subway extension in the City of Markham, Ontario. 
Emily Reisman, MCIP, RPP is a planner with a diverse background including civil engineering as well as transportation and provincial policy planning. She brings this unique combination of skills to every project, contributing to the development of vibrant and functional urban spaces. Emily regularly takes on master planning, development approvals and policy development assignments for both public and private sector clients, including: the City of Toronto’s Growing Up Guidelines, the University of Toronto St. George Campus Secondary Plan, and the City of Vaughan’s City-wide Official Plan. She has managed interdisciplinary teams undertaking planning efforts for major sites like Downsview Lands in Toronto, and Inspiration Lakeview in Mississauga.     
Keisha St. Louis-McBurnie is an award-winning urban planner, researcher and writer based in Toronto. She is currently a Lead Strategist at Monumental Projects, where she works to advance equitable city-building across Canada. Keisha was an Associate, Urban Planner at Urban Strategies Inc. where she worked on the Jane Finch Mall planning and engagement process, also known as jfm+ (Jane Finch Mall Plus). She is a Sessional Instructor in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design and a member of the Black Planners and Urbanists Association (BPUA). In 2023, Keisha was the inaugural recipient of the OPPI PlanON Emerging Leadership Award, and the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) President’s Award: Student in 2021.  

Township of Clearview Official Plan:

GSP Group assisted the Township of Clearview in the preparation of a new Official Plan to replace its previous (2001) OP. The process was initiated in July 2019 and involved multiple rounds of public engagement and consultation. A preliminary draft was circulated among various agencies (including Simcoe County and the NVCA) in the first half of 2023 and provided the basis for a Visioning Session with the newly elected Township Council on June 26, 2023. The Public Consultation Draft prepared by GSP was published in August 2023 ahead of the statutory Open House (August 16) and Public Meeting (August 30). This draft was revised over the following months, and the Final Draft was published on April 19, 2024. The Final Draft, along with some further final revisions, was presented to Council and adopted as the new Official Plan on May 27, 2024. 

OPPI Team Members: 

  • Amy Cann – M. Pl., MCIP, RPP 
  • Patrick Casey – Pre-Candidate Member 
  • Steve Wever – MCIP, RPP  
Amy Cann, M. Pl., MCIP, RPP, has dedicated her 18-year career to public service as a Land Use Planner, focusing on policy development and rural planning to protect agricultural areas and enhance community vibrancy in small towns. Amy currently acts as the Director of Planning & Building Services for the Township of Clearview and has enjoyed previous roles at the ‘Scenic City’ of Owen Sound and at the Niagara Escarpment Commission. These roles allowed Amy to develop skills and understanding of planning issues respecting natural and cultural heritage. Amy holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (English and Communications Studies) from McMaster University and a Master of Urban and Regional Planning Degree from Queen’s University. 
Patrick Casey, GSP Group’s Planner, has a unique background in both planning and the English language, holding a Master of Arts in Planning from the University of Waterloo and a PhD in English from the University of Western Ontario. His experience with interpreting documents and exploring their broader social and cultural ramifications has translated to a strength for policy analysis, complementing his sound understanding of provincial policy and planning. Now in his fourth year with GSP Group, Patrick has contributed to a number of municipal projects, including Official Plans, Secondary Plans, and Parks & Recreation Master Plans.  
Steve Wever, MCIP, RPP is the President of GSP Group. With over 23 years of experience, Steve has broad planning expertise. He oversees GSP’s full range of municipal planning services including the preparation of official plans and zoning by-laws, community / secondary planning, parks and recreation master planning as well as the review and processing of development applications. His experience includes residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional developments, as well as parks and open space planning, at a range of scales. Steve holds an honour’s degree in Environmental Studies (Urban and Regional Planning) from the University of Waterloo.    


  • Zoom In/Zoom Out
  • Growing with the City: An Ecosystem of Initiatives for Allan Gardens

Zoom In/Zoom Out:

Zoom In/Zoom Out is an educational campaign with three different lenses: offering local, national, and international perspectives on urban planning and design for the public to advance their understanding of city-building practices. Its first component, ‘Making Toronto,’ is a monthly webinar series focused on the GTA, addressing regional planning issues, ongoing debates, and policy changes. It keeps the public informed and engaged with local urban development. The second component, ‘Urbanist's Secret Club,’ is a monthly newsletter focused on Canada. It is a knowledge exchange platform, highlighting unique practices in city-building. Each feature is based on interviews, research, and presents insights and lessons learned in a visually appealing format.

OPPI Team Members:

  • Naama Blonder – MCIP, RPP, B.Arch, OAA
  • Yvonne Ye – Candidate Member
Non-OPPI Team Members:
  • Misha Bereznyak 
  • Negar Hashemi 
  • Perfecto Jr. Villalba 
  • Samuel Rose 
  • Mohcine Sadiq 
Naama Blonder, MCIP, RPP is an architect, urban planner and designer, and the co-founder of Smart Density. A recipient of a 2023 RBC Canadian Women of Influence Award, Naama has a bold vision: to change what good urban development can look like.

Through integrating multiple disciplines, Naama brings in a deeper understanding of how cities can address housing affordability and champion inclusive neighbourhoods with more equitable access to housing. To fight stigma around housing, Blonder’s work seeks to inform both residents and industry colleagues about the mutually beneficial outcomes of reimagining what our big cities can look like: greater access to established public transport, shortened commutes, improved housing costs and vacancy rates, greater diversity in housing, and strengthened local economies and communities.

Naama’s work has received numerous awards, including the prestigious OAA Best Emerging Practice Award in 2022 and three consecutive OAA Shift awards.
Yvonne Ye is an urban planner with a passion for sustainability and community engagement. She believes that equitable development is central for building sustainable cities for people and the future. From her education in planning and prior work placement with the Township of Georgian Bluffs, Yvonne gained experience in policy and statistical analysis, graphic communication, and learned about various facilitation tools.

Growing with the City: An Ecosystem of Initiatives for Allan Gardens:

Allan Gardens, a park over 160 years old in downtown Toronto, is a significant, complex, and dynamic cultural landscape. Allan Gardens faces many opportunities and challenges and must adapt to meet the needs of a 21st-century city. Growing with the City was prepared by The Friends of Allan Gardens as a living plan and foundation for focused engagement and fundraising to seize those opportunities and address those challenges by developing social infrastructure and implementing an ecosystem of initiatives. These capital and cultural initiatives include expanding the historic greenhouse conservatory, reinvesting in the park’s landscape, supporting Indigenous placekeeping, and enhancing horticultural and cultural programming. Growing with the City responds to 2017’s Refresh plan by The Friends of Allan Gardens and plants the seeds for park programs and initiatives thoughtfully informed for the benefit of the diverse public they serve.

OPPI Team Members:
  • Steven Shuttle – RPP Candidate
Steven Shuttle, RPP Candidate, is a Director of the Friends of Allan Gardens, a volunteer-based, charitable organization working to imagine and lead the revitalization of Allan Gardens. His role with the Friends includes initiatives related to Growing with the City, community engagement, and horticultural and cultural programming. He is an RPP Candidate and Landscape Designer and Planner at ERA Architects focusing on conservation through reactivation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Planning from the University of Alberta and Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Guelph. Steven’s practice centers on leading with landscape, and intersections of planning and design with the stewardship of equitable and resilient places.


  • Aging but not Forgotten: An Analysis of Older Adult Health Care Access in Elliot Lake
  • Affordable Housing Tools for Rural Greenbelt Communities: Balancing Growth, Conservation, and Economic and Social Sustainability

Aging but not Forgotten: An Analysis of Older Adult Health Care Access in Elliot Lake:

The city of Elliot Lake is Canada’s most severely shrinking city and is home to the nation’s third oldest population. In 2017, the city published an Age-Friendly Action Plan to improve Elliot Lake in eight key areas, including health care and transportation. This study assessed older adult access to health care facilities via Elliot Lake’s existing public transportation service. More specifically, the objectives of this study were to (1) determine the geography of health care facilities in Elliot Lake, (2) determine the proportion of older adults in Elliot Lake who are able to access health care facilities without access to a private vehicle, and (3) evaluate the accessibility of health care facilities in Elliot Lake via public transportation. The research used innovative methods to address the research objectives, such as the development of the Older Persons Walking and Transit Audit, a tool that measures the age-friendliness of walkways, bus stops, and transit rides.

OPPI Team Members:
  • Rachel Barber – MPL, Student Member
Rachel Barber, MPL, Student Member, is a PhD Student in the Department of Geography and Planning at Queen’s University, as well as a member of the Population and Place Research Lab. She received her MPL from Queen’s University in 2023 and a BA in Geography from Laurentian University in 2021. In the summer of 2024, she was a visiting student in the Géographie-Cités lab at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris, France. Rachel is passionate about planning for demographic change. Her master’s thesis evaluated the age-friendliness of public transit in Elliot Lake, Canada’s most severely shrinking city. Her doctoral research, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, focuses on Canadian left-behind places.

Affordable Housing Tools for Rural Greenbelt Communities: Balancing Growth, Conservation, and Economic and Social Sustainability:

Canada’s housing crisis presents unique challenges for Ontario’s Greenbelt, which must balance the conservation of agricultural and natural systems with increasing the supply of diverse, affordable housing. Despite the urgency of this crisis, research exploring how to leverage housing intensification tools in rural areas is limited.

To address this gap, we prepared a report on affordable rural housing tools for the Greenbelt Foundation as part of a University of Waterloo course. Our report analyzes census data, literature, and case studies to assess the state of Greenbelt housing and identify how housing intensification best practices (e.g., Saugeen Shores’ Community Permit Planning System) can support the diverse housing needs of agriculture and tourism economies in the Greenbelt. Based on our findings, we identify actions for planners to add diverse housing in the Greenbelt, such as streamlining development approval processes and incentivizing purpose-built rentals.

OPPI Team Members:

  • Karsten Brix – Student Member
  • Natalie Majda – Student Member
  • Amanda Morielli – Student Member
  • Michael Ricci – Student Member
Karsten Brix obtained his bachelor’s of Environmental Studies in Planning and Master of Arts in Planning at the University of Waterloo. He has always had a passion for researching and understanding housing affordability and queer homelessness representation in rural settings. His master's research paper combined these interests by assessing how the Housing First model could be adapted and applied in rural environments to provide relief for queer rural homelessness. He currently works as a Planner for the Township of Malahide, where he strives to create an inclusive space for all.
Natalie Majda (BA, Hons) is an MA in Planning student at the University of Waterloo, specializing in heritage planning and planning policy. Natalie is Cultural Heritage & Community Engagement Project Lead at Timmins Martelle Heritage Consultants (TMHC). She is the former President of the Association of Graduate Planners at the University of Waterloo (2020-2022) and Director, Programs & Events at ACO NextGen (2019-2021): in both roles, Natalie advocated and led programming for emerging planning professionals across Ontario.
Amanda Morielli is an MA in Planning student at the University of Waterloo interested in how planners can help create healthy, equitable communities. Her graduate research explores outdoor food and beverage advertising environments near schools.
Michael Ricci is an MA in Planning student at the University of Waterloo. Holding two bachelor's degrees in Environmental and Urban Studies from York University, Michael's current master's research project focuses on designing inclusive public spaces enriched with queer art and landscapes within Kitchener-Waterloo. He has experience in public engagement and has been a Junior Land Use Planner throughout his academic studies. His interests span various urban planning contexts, from rapid transportation and housing affordability to placemaking and design.


Rory Baksh, RPP, MCIP is a Partner at Dillon Consulting with over 26 years of experience. He is a graduate of the School of Urban and Regional Planning at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University). Rory has served communities, agencies, developers, and First Nations through numerous assignments across Canada and internationally. He was a former Eastern District Rep on OPPI Council, and has volunteered on a variety of portfolios both before and after his time on Council. He will be transitioning from his role as OPPI's Chair of Professional Standards and Registration Committee to serve on the new Standards Advisory Committee of the Professional Standards Board.

From Zahra Jaffer, OPPI Candidate Member, who nominated Rory for this award:

“Rory exemplifies the qualities of leadership, collaboration, professionalism and empowering others through his numerous roles as a formal and informal mentor to professionals within and beyond Dillon, in his service to planners on their journey to becoming RPPs, and in working with his clients to grow their capacity and rise to the occasion on their projects. While being highly sought after and with limited free time, he has never declined to make time for a conversation, and is one of the most attentive and generous listeners I have ever encountered. His passion and love for the profession are infectious, and his unique style of blending advice with space for you to foster your own intuition makes him an incredible leader and tremendous asset to our shared profession. He was one of the first planners to work in a dedicated way on climate change adaptation plan, and has been a vocal advocate for mainstreaming climate resiliency into all areas of planning practice.”


Kristin Dibble Pechkovsky, BES, MCIP, RPP, is currently the Chair of the OPPI Lakeland District. Kristin has been involved in Lakeland District for over 20 years in various capacities and has organized District events over the years based on her specific interests in social and health planning, active transportation, and affordable housing. As a practicing planner with 20+ years of progressive planning experience, Kristin currently works in a senior leadership role within the County of Simcoe as Planning Program Supervisor, Innovation and Acceleration. Prior to the county, Kristin worked as a School Board Planner. Kristin has experience in policy planning and development, strategic long-range land-use planning, growth management, project management, official plan review, social and health planning, active transportation, and public consultation.

From Scott Taylor, RPP, who nominated Kristin for this award:

“Those that know and have worked with Kristin know her to be incredibly thoughtful, well-spoken, and a dedicated representative of the profession. Passionate about all things planning and her local community, Kristin's dedication to the profession, Lakeland District, and OPPI as an organization is worthy of recognition. Her breadth of knowledge from her school board and municipal (both development and policy) experience, provides an interesting and informed perspective on almost any planning topic. Kristin is a fantastic team player, who listens well and provides a comfortable space for others to contribute ideas. When Kristin contributes her perspectives, it’s always a respectful, rational, and thoughtful viewpoint. With over 27 years’ planning experience, and approximately 20 years’ volunteer experience, Kristin exemplifies both what it means to be a dedicated planner and an equally dedicated volunteer.”