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Blue Mountain

Conference 2017

A Case Study in Sustainability: Infrastructure Resiliency Though Low Impact Design

October 05, 2017

10:45am - 11:00am

Planners understand that municipal infrastructure faces multiple stressors due to its age, growing populations and anticipated impacts from climate change. Climatic stressors present unique challenges due to the uncertainty associated with their impacts and their rate of change.  This session will highlight an innovative Low Impact Development Project in Ontario, that offers municipalities a mechanism for increased resiliency, in particular during high-intensity rainfall. The presenters will discuss barriers to successful LID implementation, including funding and technical guidance as to predicted impacts under different rainfall scenarios, and strategies to overcome them. 
Learning Objectives:
• Understanding the fundamentals of infrastructure resilience. 
• Gaining knowledge about best practices in infrastructure resilience. 
• Gaining knowledge about a LID project to address high-intensity rainfall. 
