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Join the planning knowledge exchange

Blue Mountain

Conference 2017

Heather Swan, PEng, RPP, MCIP, PMP


Partner, Dillon

Heather, PEng, MCIP, RPP, PMP, is a Partner with Dillon, a professional engineer and registered professional planner. Her focus has included consultation/engagement, Environmental Assessments, impact assessment, infrastructure planning, land use planning and Traditional Knowledge/Traditional Land Use Planning. Through this work she has worked with (and for) Indigenous communities in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.
Throughout this work, she worked closely with the Indigenous Community representatives regarding appropriate community engagement protocols.  She has designed consultation/engagement programs for many projects and played a role in engaging community Elders, youth, consultation coordinators and other community knowledge holders.  Heather has also attended various courses related to Aboriginal Law and Rights. She has thoroughly enjoyed her past experience working with and for Aboriginal communities and strives to continue this work.
