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Beyond 25 Banner

September 21 and 22

2 days, 2 disciplines, 2 ways to participate – defining our professional roles and uniting to build more equitable, accessible and inspired communities.


Beyond 25 Banner

September 21 and 22

2 days, 2 disciplines, 2 ways to participate – defining our professional roles and uniting to build more equitable, accessible and inspired communities.



904: Indigenous Planning Perspectives: Education as a First Step Towards Reconciliation

October 03, 2019

12:00PM - 1:00PM

In March 2018 OPPI Council approved the creation of a task force to explore how best to acknowledge Indigenous planning perspectives and incorporate Indigenous perspectives into the planning process. In June of this year, Council received and approved the Indigenous Planning Perspectives Task Force Report in full.
This session will explore the recommendations in OPPI’s Report, and will provide a space for professional planners to discuss what they can do in their own practice, right now, to advance the cause of Reconciliation. Participants will also be provided with an opportunity for hands on learning and to ask questions pertaining to First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, their history, or culture and how this relates to the work planners do on a daily basis. 
