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2014 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report & Members Meeting

President's Message
Healthy Communities & Planning in a Digital Age


SMH (aka: shaking my head) with the realization that among OPPI Members, the millennial cohort has surpassed my cohort, the baby boomers. But delighted that millennials worldwide are finding planning to be their passion bucket (aka: job or endeavor that can fulfill one's sense of mission and ambition). It is going to be a future about change and this generation is up to the challenge.

Increasingly, our members are keen players in the evolving digital landscape. Not surprising, OPPI is pivoting to ensure it continues to be prime time as the membership changes and the profession evolves.

On the national scene it is stupendously exciting times for the planning profession as CIP and the PTIAs collaborate on epic change. CIP is in Beta (aka: evolving, tweaking) until its new by-laws and structure are CFV (aka: called for a vote) and ok’d by the membership. Keep tuned in.

It has been a very exciting year with Council, staff, volunteers and members spearheading initiatives in all spheres of practice, contributing to a stronger, more resilient profession.

Ensuring professional planners have the skills, knowledge and commitment to the public interest to plan the communities and spaces the next generation needs has become a resounding theme. One that has engaged members province-wide. Initiatives to enhance members’ competencies have been formalized through a learning strategy. Supporting members’ commitment to CPL with programmes, resources and idea exchanges has been met with an exceedingly positive response from our millennials and gen x'ers.

OPPI has broadened its volunteer opportunities to engage a growing spectrum of members. Meanwhile delegating responsibilities to the Districts for direct membership engagement has increased participation.
Adopting a comprehensive communications strategy, including a clear digital presence and redesigned website, has enhanced the reputation, credibility and profile of the Institute and the profession.

Recognized as the voice of Ontario’s planners, OPPI volunteers help to shape planning policy in pursuit of healthy and sustainable communities through briefs and calls to action.

Delegating, with our partners, membership administration and credentialing to the national Professional Standards Board and Professional Standards Committee, has enabled OPPI to redirect its focus to supporting its members.

Engaging with accredited planning schools and their directors to share experiences and initiatives has helped to expand student programmes, outreach and participation. Dedicating an annual OPJ edition exclusively to schools and students has provided a platform for the next generation of planners' views. It has also offer insights into how their academic and work experiences are shaping them and the profession.

Charting a course to professional regulation and enhanced title protection has stimulated meaningful engagement concerning how best to position members for the future.

Through these initiatives and many more, planners are working to ensure the profession is effective in the dynamic environment ahead.

Ping me at the AGM so we can talk F2F.

Paul J. Stagl, MCIP, RPP

View the President's remarks from the 2014 Annual General Meeting.

Paul J. Stagl, MCIP, RPP