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2014 Annual Report

2014 AGM Minutes

(For approval at AGM 2015)
Wednesday October 1, 2014
4:30 p.m.
Marriott Gateway on the Falls, Niagara Falls, ON

1.  Call to Order and Opening Remarks
President Paul J. Stagl called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m., with a quorum of voting members present, including a total of 32 proxies. Members eligible to vote and the voting procedure were reviewed with members attending the meeting. 
OPPI Council and Staff were introduced. CIP President Michael Gordon was acknowledged along with special guests from OALA, OAA and CACPT. Robert Fraser, Director, Finance & Administration was thanked and acknowledged for 20 years of service as an employee of OPPI, along with a celebratory article in the September/October issue of the Ontario Planning Journal.     
2.  Approval of Agenda
The meeting notice and agenda was sent to all members in accordance with the OPPI General By-law.  A call for new business was requested, and there being none, the agenda was approved as circulated. Moved that the agenda as presented be approved. Carried.
3.  Approval of AGM Minutes of September 19, 2013
There were no changes or corrections to the minutes and they were accepted as presented.
4. Reports

4.1 Treasurer’s Report
Jeff Leunissen presented the Treasurer’s report, including the financial statement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013. The report provides an explanation of revenue and expense allocation with a summary provided on OPPI’s website.    
4.2 President’s Report
P. Stagl provided the President’s Report highlighting several key initiatives that were undertaken and implemented in 2014 to advance professional self-regulation in the public interest, strengthen the practice of planning through professional standards, advance the body of knowledge of planning practice, and be the recognized voice of planners shaping planning policy to achieve healthy and sustainable communities. He noted the demographic shift underway within OPPI with Millennials and Generation X making up 80% of the members. He also acknowledged past and present OPPI leaders for their vision, insight and courage to boldly position OPPI to support and transition a new generation of planners and membership. He thanked volunteers, staff and members for their contribution in creating a strong vibrant organization. 
Special mention was made regarding the work currently underway at CIP to realign its purpose and supporting governance structure. He noted the collaborative and consensus approach taken by CIP Council and the Presidents of all of the Provincial Territorial Institutes and Associations across Canada in support of the CIP alignment initiative and proposals. He encouraged all OPPI members to become informed about the proposed realignment initiative and to provide input and feedback during the consultation period. He noted that Michael Gordon, CIP President and Andrea Bourrie, President-Elect and CIP Representative were available throughout the Symposium and at the OPPI booth to meet with members and provide further information and address questions.
All reports will be placed on file at the office of the Institute. Highlights of the reports can be found in the Annual Report and Meeting web page on OPPI’s web site.
4.3 Questions and Comments
There were no questions or comments.
5. Items for Membership Consideration
5.1 Appointment of Auditor

Moved that the firm Kriens~ LaRose, Chartered Accountants be appointed as the Auditor to audit OPPI’s     financial records for the fiscal year ending 2014. Carried.
5.2 Approval of Actions
Moved that the membership of the Institute approve of the actions of Council taken during 2013-2014.         Carried.
6. New Business
There was no new business.

7. Election Results and Introduction of Council for 2014-2015
P. Stagl thanked the Governance & Nominating Committee, chaired by Bill Janssen, for its work. He acknowledged and thanked all of the members who stood for election. 
The 2014-2015 Council is as follows:
·         President- Paul J. Stagl
·         President Elect- Andrea Bourrie
·         Director- Jeffery Leunissen
·         Director- William Janssen
·         Director- Kathy Suggitt
·         Director- Darryl Bird
·         Director- Robert Forhan
·         Director- Tracey Ehl
·         Director- Scott Tousaw
·         Director- Jason Ferrigan
·         Director (Public Interest Rep)- Cheryl Horrobin
8. Acknowledgements
P. Stagl thanked all OPPI members, Council, volunteers and staff for their work and support throughout the year. Outgoing Council members were acknowledged: Directors Diana Rusnov and Charles Lanktree. A gift of acknowledgement and appreciation was presented to each outgoing Council member.
9. Adjournment
P. Stagl thanked all members for attending the AGM, reminding them of the next OPPI Conference on October 6-8, 2015, in Toronto, Ontario. He called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.