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1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks OPPI President Paul Stagl called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. following OPPI’s Awards and Recognition presentation, with a quorum of voting members present, including a total of 9 proxies. Members eligible to vote and the voting procedure were reviewed with members attending the meeting.
OPPI Council and Staff were introduced. Invited guests from OALA, OAA, and CACPT were acknowledged. Also present was CIP President, Hazel Christie, who was acknowledged and thanked by President P. Stagl for being with us throughout the conference to speak with OPPI members and address questions regarding CIP’s realignment and reboot initiatives. OPPI’s new legal counsel, Denise Baker of WeirFoulds, was introduced and Ian Lord, OPPI’s former legal counsel, also attended the meeting and acted as Parliamentarian for the meeting.
2. Adoption of Agenda The meeting notice and agenda were sent to all members in accordance with the OPPI General By-law and it was noted that no substantive motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of August 26, 2015. P. Stagl noted that prior to the commencement of the Annual Meeting, Glenn Miller, MCIP, RPP, indicated that he would like to introduce a motion regarding the support for the work undertaken by the CIP FutureForeward Task Force, which identifies options to sustain CIP as the national voice of Canadian planning. Given that the motion was not received by the August 26th deadline notice, it was agreed prior to the commencement of the Annual Meeting that the motion would be tabled and referred to OPPI Council for further consideration and action. As such, the agenda was adopted as circulated. Moved that the agenda be adopted as presented. Carried.
3. Approval of AGM Minutes of October 1, 2014 There were no changes or corrections to the minutes and they were accepted as presented.
4.1 Treasurer’s report Jeff Leunissen presented the Treasurer’s report, including the financial statement for the Fiscal year ending December 31, 2014. The report provides an explanation of revenue and expense allocation.
4.2 President’s report P. Stagl provided the President’s report highlighting OPPI’s key accomplishments, including: professional regulation and the commitment by Mr. Peter Milczyn, MPP (Lib), to sponsor enhanced professional regulation legislation for the profession of planning in Ontario; the successful implementation of standards for mandatory continuous professional learning; new tools, resources and programs to grow the body of professional knowledge; providing OPPI’s planning voice and influence with over 17 submissions regarding Ontario’s planning systems; and continuing to build a strong organization with a highly engaged membership. Guided by the vision and goals of the Strategic Plan, OPPI Volunteers, Council members and staff were recognized for their contribution in realizing many of the significant accomplishments that have been achieved over the years.
All reports will be placed on file at the office of the Institute. Highlights of the reports can be found in the Annual Report and Meeting web page on OPPI’s web site.
4.3 Discussion There were no questions or discussion of the reports.
5.1 Appointment of Auditor Moved that the firm Kriens~ LaRose, Chartered Accountants be appointed as the Auditor to audit OPPI’s financial records for the fiscal year ending 2015. Carried.
5.2 Approval of Actions Moved that the membership of the Institute approve of the actions of Council taken during 2014-2015. Carried.
5.3 Motions submitted by Members Request for submission of substantive motions for the Annual General Meeting was sent to all members by way of the Members e-newsletter in August 2015 and posted on the OPPI website. No motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of August 26, 2015. Motions concerning substantive issues that were not provided in writing by the above date were not considered at the AGM.
6. Other Business Jennifer Keesmaat, Co-Chair of CIP’s FutureForward Task Force, requested an opportunity to provide a 5-minute overview of the work of the Task Force and distributed handouts summarizing their work to date. Hazel Christie, CIP President, acknowledged the work of the Task Force and encouraged OPPI members to engage in the consultative process providing input and comments. The Task Force will submit their final report to CIP Council on November 1st.
7. Election Results and Introduction of Council for 2015-2016 P. Stagl thanked the Governance and Nominating Committee, chaired by Bill Janssen, for its work. He acknowledged and thanked all of the members who stood for election.
8. Acknowledgements P. Stagl thanked all OPPI members, Council, volunteers and staff for their work and support throughout the year. He acknowledged his wife and family for their support of his work and responsibilities as OPPI’s President.
P. Stagl introduced the new President, Andrea Bourrie. A. Bourrie acknowledged the leadership and work of Paul during his tenure on Council, beginning in 2011, as President Elect, and as OPPI’s 15th President from 2013-15. In a tribute, she noted Paul’s commitment to OPPI and the planning profession, and as such, OPPI will recognize his leadership by awarding the Paul Stagl 2016 President’s Student Scholarship at the 2016 OPPI Symposium.
9. Adjournment A. Bourrie thanked all members for attending the AGM and noted that in her role as President, she was committed to continuing to work with CIP and the Provincial and Territorial Institutes and Associations in developing an organization for a strong national voice. She concluded her remarks, inviting members to attend the next OPPI Symposium on October 5-6, 2016 in Hamilton, Ontario. She called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 hours.