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Blue Mountain

Conference 2017

John Miller, BA, MA, CPF, CTF


President, ICA Associates

John Miller has a reputation as a well-informed, passionate, professional yet neutral third party presence in situations that can become politicized or conflicted.  He has experience designing and facilitating meetings for organizations in every sector and across Canada. John approaches all his consultations as a facilitator of participatory group processes. These consultations can be both internal with staff and executives and external with stakeholders and the general public. His background in community development and work with a wide range of NGOs equips John to see all sides of an issue and to set a trusting, constructive tone so people share wisdom productively. His education and interest in Political Science has led him to consult in the public sector. Meaningful public consultations can be exciting and rewarding when well designed and facilitated. 
John Miller takes his professionalism seriously. He is a Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF), a Certified Technology of Participation Facilitator (CTF), and a Candidate Assessor for the International Association of Facilitators (IAF). He shares what he has learned about facilitation and has trained over 700 people to become better facilitators. He also takes on a limited number of mentoring relationships every year.  As President and a partner in a social enterprise (ICA Associates Inc.) he is connected to a tight team of similarly disciplined facilitators and an international network of trained and experienced colleagues. 
…and he is a planning school drop out from the mid-1980s.
