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September 21 and 22

2 days, 2 disciplines, 2 ways to participate – defining our professional roles and uniting to build more equitable, accessible and inspired communities.


Beyond 25 Banner

September 21 and 22

2 days, 2 disciplines, 2 ways to participate – defining our professional roles and uniting to build more equitable, accessible and inspired communities.



Keynote: The WIRED Future | What does the future of community planning look like?

October 06, 2021

8:30AM - 10:00AM

Keynote speaker: Nicholas Thompson

In today’s modern world, technological leadership is paramount—and Nicholas Thompson is the expert to guide us through. A riveting and engaging speaker, Nicholas revolutionized The New Yorker’s online platform before becoming the editor-in-chief of WIRED, where he covered digital innovations that will become mainstream years from now.

Today, as the newly minted CEO of The Atlantic, Nicholas delivers fascinating talks that lie at the intersection between business and tech—changing the way we think about everything from artificial intelligence and the future of work, to revamping business models for the digital age. 

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