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Symposium 2014

ID3: Ravines and the WorldWide Storefront Initiative

October 01, 2014

2:50pm - 3:05pm

This Ignite Session examines how to increase public awareness, discourse, and ultimately access to Toronto’s ravine system through strategic partnerships between the public sector, architects/planners, artists and the youth of priority neighbourhoods fronting onto the City’s ravines in the commissioning, production and appreciation of public art.  The session will provide an overview of the WorldWide Storefront initiative, and feature the specific DTAH proposal for the RavinePortal exhibition, installation and speaker series in Toronto that explores the past, present and potential future role that ravines play in the life of the City, and how the work of the local design and artistic community can catalyze and inspire new populations to explore and enjoy this underappreciated natural resource.
