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Symposium 2014

Seeing the Forest and the Trees - Surviving and Thriving in the Coming Data Boom

October 01, 2014

8:45am - 9:45am

As individuals, we’re generating more data all the time about our movements, habits and tastes. You may be doing it now: registering ‘likes’ on Facebook, tracking your runs with a GPS-enabled monitor, logging your spending with a personal finance app. You may not even know you’re doing it, but the simple act of using digital tools, such as e-readers, creates information about you and your personal preferences.
We’re on the cusp of a Data Boom, a new era in information, fueled by our digital devices. It will offer personal insights, open opportunities for new services and change the nature of our cities and communities. The Data Boom has the power to make our personal lives and communities better, but it also carries tremendous privacy risks.  
Drawing on her book, and her experience as host and creator of CBC’s technology show, Spark, Nora explains how this Data Boom will change society, and what it means for individuals, businesses and communities.
Nora’s talk will help you to plan strategically for the changing world, and give you the big-picture look at one of the top trends that will define our world in the coming years.
