Healthy Communities & Planning for the Public Realm
Hamilton Convention Centre
Hamilton, Ontario, October 5 & 6, 2016
OPPI staff and volunteers alike would like to thank all of those who attended the 2016 OPPI Symposium for one, or two days. Your attendance was critical in its success, and is a testament to why OPPI hosts events of this type on an annual basis.
OPPI staff would also like to express gratitude to the speakers and volunteers who have worked hard for more than a year to develop the high-quality programming that our members have come to expect at OPPI events. The educational material that is produced by our speakers and volunteers is invaluable to members in their ongoing development of skills as professional planners working in the public interest.
Select sessions from the Symposium will soon be made available through OPPI Digital Learning, the Institute’s member-exclusive resource page so you can stream from home and claim CPL anytime, anywhere.
OPPI looks forward to greeting you again next year at our 2017 Conference at Blue Mountain resort October 3-5, 2017. If you are interested in speaking at the Conference, check your inbox, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn as the call for presentations will be launched soon!
The OPPI Symposium Team
Thank you to our Planning Knowledge Exchange Committee for all of their work on the 2016 OPPI Symposium!
Rosalind Minaji, RPP
Brad Bradford
Elizabeth Buckton, RPP
Matthew Cory, RPP
Beverley Hillier, RPP
Clarence Woudsma, RPP
Brenda Khes, RPP
Kirsten McCauley, RPP
Joe Muto, RPP