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2020 Annual General Meeting Minutes

(For approval at the 2021 agm)
Wednesday, October 7, 2020   
11:00 A.M. - 12:00 p.m.
Chime Live Virtual Platform

Registered Professional Planners
Informing Choices. Inspiring Communities.

1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks
OPPI President Justine Giancola called the meeting to order at 11:00am. with a quorum of voting members present, including a total of 6 proxies. Members eligible to vote and the voting procedure were reviewed with members attending the meeting.

2. Adoption of Agenda
The meeting notice and agenda were sent to all members in accordance with the OPPI General By-law and it was noted that no substantive motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of July 15, 2020. As such, the proposed agenda is as approved circulated.

Motion that the agenda be adopted as presented. Moved by Jeff Port. Seconded by Bruce Curtis. Carried.

3. Approval of AGM Minutes of October 2, 2019
There were no changes or corrections to the minutes, and they were accepted as presented.

Motion to approve the minutes of OPPI’s Annual General Meeting held on October 2nd, 2019, Moved by Michelle Banfield. Seconded by Kelly Weste. Carried.

4. Treasurer’s Report

4.1 Auditors Report

Claire Basinski presented the Auditor's Report of the financial statement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, providing an overview of revenue and expenses. She noted that the Institute is meeting all its financial targets and goals, in keeping with a high-performance organization.

4.2 Appointment of Auditor
Claire Basinski presented a motion to approve the Auditor for the coming year.

Motion that the firm Kriens~ LaRose, Chartered Accountants be appointed as the Auditor to audit OPPI’s financial records for the fiscal year ending 2020. Moved by Claire Basinski. Seconded by Wayne Caldwell. Carried. 

5. Presidents Report

5.1 Presidents Report

J. Giancola provided the President’s report beginning with thanks to staff, and Council members for converting the AGM to a new virtual platform. She also thanked the members for attending today’s meeting. Justine acknowledged the challenges that had been presented to the Institute this year including the pandemic and the societal issues impacting marginalized communities. She acknowledged the extra efforts by Council to ensure the Institute was responding efficiently and appropriately. Justine advised the membership that a Resiliency Plan has been approved to see the Institute through the next twelve to eighteen months. Justine acknowledged the work of staff on programs to help support the profession including the Globe & Mail ad campaign, Planners Connect and the Forum Friday webinars.

J. Giancola introduced Susan Wiggins, the new Executive Director at OPPI and thanked her for stepping in during these challenging times. J. Giancola provided an update on the Indigenous Planning Task Force recommendations that were approved at last year’s AGM. Looking forward, the next Y-Magazine will be dedicated to the conversation around “Truth” and Reconciliation and an Advisory Committee has been appointed to continue with implementation of the recommendations. Additionally, OPPI has started the process to become a Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) certified organization of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Businesses (CCAB).

J. Giancola went on to share a few of the new initiatives OPPI is taking on in 2021. The first is in response to the current anti-black and systemic racism human rights movement. OPPI will be seeking volunteers to sit on an Anti-Black Racism in Planning Task Force chaired by Eldon Theodore, RPP. Another group that will require focus in the coming year is the student and graduate population. OPPI Council recently approved financial support through internships in 2021. This will be done with the support of MTIACs and the accredited planning program schools. J. Giancola concluded her report by reminding members that membership renewals will be issued in the coming weeks and noted that there will not be a Cost-of-Living increase for 2021 as there has been in past years. This motion was approved by Council at their last meeting. We are also looking at payment options for those members and/or employers may need additional time to pay this year.

5.2 Approval of Actions
J. Giancola called for a Motion to approve the actions of Council during the past year.

Motion that the membership of the Institute approve of the actions of Council taken during 2019-2020. Moved by Kristy Kilbourne. Seconded by Brian Bridgeman. Carried.

5.3 Motions submitted by Members

Request for submission of substantive motions for the Annual General Meeting was sent to all members by way of the members e-newsletter in June 2019 and posted on the OPPI website. No motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of July 15, 2020. Motions concerning substantive issues will therefore not be considered at this AGM.

5.4 Other Business
There was no other business.

6. Election Results and Introduction of Council for 2019-2020
J. Giancola called on J. Port to provide a report on the results of the election for the 2019-2020 Council. J. Port acknowledged and thanked all the members of the Governance and Nominating Committee and he thanked the members who submitted a nomination.

OPPI Council consists of eleven (11) directors who are Full Members of OPPI, other than Retired and Non-Practising Members, with one (1) director who is a public interest representative. The term of office is for two (2) years commencing at the adjournment of the annual meeting of their election.

OPPI received five (5) nominations of which three (3) agreed to stand for election for three (3) Council Director Positions. In accordance with Section 3 of OPPI's General By-law and OPPI’s Nomination Policy and Procedures, the following members have been elected by acclamation to OPPI Council.

Beverley Hillier, RPP
Colleen Sauriol, RPP; and
Kelly Weste, RPP for a second two-year term.

7. Acknowledgements
J. Giancola thanked all OPPI members, Council, volunteers and staff for their work and support throughout the year.

The following outgoing Council members were thanked and acknowledged for their dedication and commitment to OPPI:
  • Bruce Curtis, RPP- Director 2017-2019, Chair Governance & Nominating Committee 2017-2019
  • Jeff Port, RPP- Director 2016-2019, Chair Indigenous Planning Perspectives Task Force 2018-2019

8. Awards and Honors
P. Lowes announced the 2020 Student Scholarships Winners and celebrated them through a video presentation. The winners included:
  • Emily Sousa - 2020 Gerald Carrothers Graduate Scholarship
  • Angela Asuncion - T.P. Jason Ferrigan 2020 President's Scholarship

P. Lowes presented the 4 (four) 2020 Member Service Awards and celebrated the recipients through a video presentation. The winners included:
  • Stephen Alexander, RPP (Ret.)
  • Brian Bridgeman, RPP
  • Liz Buckton, RPP
  • Scott Taylor, RPP

J. Giancola acknowledged the 43 (forty-three) members who have reached their 25-year membership with OPPI.

J. Giancola announced we have 63 (sixty-three) new RPP’s this year. She offered her congratulations and welcomed them to the profession.

9. Adjournment
J. Giancola thanked all members for attending the AGM. She called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion to move to adjourn the Annual General Meeting. First Mover Colleen Sauriol. Seconded by Beverley Hillier. Carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.