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AMM Agenda

2023 Annual General Meeting
Ontario Professional Planners Institute
September 21, 2023 from 12: 45 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Virtual: Impact   |   In-Person: Shaw Centre, Ottawa

1. Welcome Paul Lowes, M.E.S., MCIP RPP
2. Call to Order & Adoption of Agenda Paul Lowes, M.E.S., MCIP RPP
3. Approval of AGM Minutes of September 22, 2022 Paul Lowes, M.E.S., MCIP RPP
4. Treasurer’s Report
4.1       Audited Statements for year ending
December 31, 2022
4.2       Appointment of Auditor for 2023 Statements

Recommended motion: That the firm Kriens~LaRose, LLP Chartered Accountants be appointed as the Auditor to audit OPPI’s financial records for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021.           
Andria Leigh, MCIP, RPP, Dipl.M.M.
5. AMM Business
5.1       Presentation of OPPI By-law Amendments/Articles of Amendment/
Special Resolutions

Recommended motions: See OPPI By-laws Amendments to review
5.2       Motions Submitted by Members
No motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of August 4, 2023.
5.3      Other Business
Paul Lowes, M.E.S., MCIP RPP
6. Executive Director’s Report Susan Wiggins, CAE, Hon IDC
7. Outgoing President’s Report Paul Lowes, M.E.S., MCIP RPP
8. Report of the Nominations Committee &
Introduction of 2023-2024 Council
Bev Hillier, MCIP, RPP
Chair, Governance & Nominations Committee
9.   Celebrations and Acknowledgements Paul Lowes, M.E.S., MCIP RPP and
Claire Basinski, MCIP, RPP, CP3
10.   Incoming President’s Report Claire Basinski, MCIP, RPP, CP3
11.  Adjournment Claire Basinski, MCIP, RPP, CP3