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Notice of Meeting
AMM Agenda
OPPI Council Members
Financial Summary
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Strategic Plan
2022 Annual members Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
(For Approval at the 2023 AMM)
Thursday September 22, 2022
London Ontario
1. Welcome & Call to Order
OPPI President Paul Lowes called the meeting to order at 7:30am with a quorum of voting members present, including a total of 13 Proxies. Members eligible to vote and the voting procedure were reviewed with members attending the meeting both virtually and in-person.
2. Adoption of Agenda
The meeting notice and agenda were sent to all members in accordance with the OPPI General By-law and it was noted that no substantive motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of August 5, 2022. As such, the agenda was adopted as circulated.
Move to adopt the Agenda for OPPI’s Annual
Meeting held on September 22, 2022. Moved by Jason Ferrigan. Seconded by Pam Duesling. Carried.
3. Approval of AMM Minutes of October 6, 2021
There were no changes or corrections to the minutes, and they were accepted as presented.
Move to approve the minutes of OPPI’s Annual Members Meeting held on October 6
, 2021. Moved by Bruce Curtis. Seconded by Beverley Hillier. Carried.
4. Treasurer’s Report
4.1 Auditors Report
Andria Leigh presented the
Auditor's Report
on the financial statement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021, providing an overview of revenue and expenses. She noted that the Institute is meeting all its financial targets and goals, in keeping with a high-performance organization. It is the opinion of Kriens LaRose that there were no material deficiencies in the accounting records or processes and that the Statements fairly represent the Institute’s financial position in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles or GAAP. It was noted that the OPPI Executive Committee, performing their audit role, received the first draft of the Statements and held a meeting with Mr. Kriens to discuss any recommendations he might have and/or any concerns he felt should be addressed. It was a good conversation about the Institute’s reserves and our intended plan to ensure that we are using the funds appropriately for strategic initiatives that are aligned with the Institute’s Strategic Plan. Following the meeting, OPPI Council members received and approved the draft statements, after a presentation by Tom Kriens, at the May Council Meeting. Council approved the 2023 Operational Plan and Budget at the Council meeting on Tuesday September 21
, 2022.
4.2 Appointment of Auditor
Move to approve the firm of Kriens-LaRose, Chartered Accountants as the Auditor to audit OPPI’s financial records for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022
Moved by Andria Leigh. Seconded by Justine Giancola. Carried.
4.3 Discussion
Andria Leigh addressed questions from members in attendance at the Annual Meeting.
5. Executive Directors Report
Susan Wiggins provided updates on key initiatives that the staff team have been working on this past year.
Firstly, the new OPPI headquarters. The goal was to create a new workplace that supported OPPI’s many meetings and events and at the same time supported a hybrid workforce. The vision was to create a workspace for the future. Susan shared that a new framework, governance, and financial model for our Districts was developed in 2022. This initiative was led by Council members Kelly Weste and Colleen Sauriol and with much input by current District volunteers. Susan provided an update on the Director of Reconciliation and Social Justice Director position on staff. She noted OPPI is committed to the implementation of the recommendations of the ABRP TF and the IPP TF and we are committed to the principles of DEI. Finally, Susan noted that OPPI has worked alongside our provincial counterparts and CIP to launch a new national database for the profession. When the new database launches, OPPI members, who choose to do so, can add their CIP dues, and pay both memberships at one time.
6. Presidents Report
P. Lowes provided the President’s report beginning with thanks to staff, and Council members. He outlined some of the major projects he has been working on in his first year of Presidency 1) Connecting with people 2) Working with Susan and the team at Strategy Corp to influence Government and Ontario’s MPPs and 3) Working with an amazing group of Council members to solve the planning professions challenges of the day. Paul gave a brief overview of the CIP National conference he attended in July. This year’s focus was the development of a new competency framework for the profession. A lot of volunteer, staff and Council hours have gone into this very important initiative, and we hope to have an approved new framework by spring, 2023. He went on to note that he has presented to various schools and student groups to invite them into the profession and met colleagues from many organizations – most importantly AMO. OPPI has worked very closely this year on planning related matters – mostly as it relates to housing. Paul also shared that he has had numerous meetings with provincial ministry staff and several MPPs promoting our Top Ten Housing Recommendations. He shared that OPPI has held two facilitated workshops on Planning is not Red Tape and we have another facilitated workshop on September 30
with respect to streamlining the development approvals process.
6.1 Approval of Actions
Paul Lowes called for a Motion to approve the actions of Council during the past year.
Move that the membership of the Institute approves of the actions of Council taken during 2021-2022. Moved by Bruce Curtis. Seconded by Mark Seasons. Carried.
6.2 Motions submitted by Members
Request for submission of substantive motions for the Annual Members Meeting was sent to all members by way of the members e-newsletter in June 2022 and posted on the OPPI website. No motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of July 15, 2022. Paul noted that while we did not receive any motions, we did receive a question which the Council has no hesitation in responding.
The question was how much OPPI has paid to its consultants – Strategy Corp – in each of the last five years. OPPI began working with Strategy Corp in the fall of 2018 (agreement signed September 13
). The initial contract was $9,500 per month and today, four years later, the monthly retainer remains the same. OPPI engaged Strategy Corp a Government & Public Affairs consulting firm after an employee left the organization. Annually, our cost for Strategy Corp is $114,000 – the equivalent of one FTE for this type of role. For the four-year period, the total amount is $456,000. Paul noted that Susan meets with our key contact bi-weekly, and a group of current and past Council members and Susan meets with them bi-weekly. Beyond advice and counsel, they prepare all briefing notes, PowerPoints and reports that emerge from our work – Delegated Authority, OPPI’s Top Ten Housing Recommendations, Planning is Not Red Tape. They organize key meetings, MPP campaigns, and opportunities to meet with key government officials.
Earlier this year, after an RFP process for a new media and public relations firm, we entered into a second contract with the communications branch of Strategy Corp. This contract is currently a three-year contract with a total value of $300K. Paul noted OPPI’s Communications Manager, Sarah Bradbury, is leading this work. To date – half a year – Strategy Corp Comms Team have provided us with a draft core narrative and key messages document to be approved alongside a full implementation plan for years 2 and 3 of the projects.
Paul concluded by noting government, public affairs and media/public relations is arguably the most important work of the Institute. He therefore thanked the member for this question as it is important that the membership know we are investing in the future of the planning profession with this level of Council and staff commitment and financial resources.
5.3 Other Business
No other business was added to the agenda.
7. Report of the Nominations Committee & Introduction of 2022-2023 Council
P. Lowes thanked the Governance and Nominating Committee, chaired by B. Hillier. He called on C. Basinski to provide a report on the results of the election for the 2022-2023 Council as the chair, had a conflict of interest. C. Basinski acknowledged and thanked all the members of the Governance and Nominating Committee. She acknowledged and thanked all the members who submitted an application and those who ran for election. Claire announced that based on last year’s Bylaw change the 2022-23 OPPI Council will now consist of thirteen (13) directors - 10 Full members, 2 Public Members and one Candidate/Student Member. Claire concluded by sharing in accordance with Section 3 of OPPI's General By-law and OPPI’s Nomination Policy and Procedures, and after an election for the Director position, the following members have been elected to the 2022-2023 OPPI Council.
Director – Erika Ivanic
, Candidate –
Dylan Ward
Director, Public Interest Rep. Sheri Longboat
Claire then announced that the 2022-2023 Council is as follows:
Paul Lowes
President Elect-
Claire Basinski
Andria Leigh
- Beverley Hillier
Calvin Brook
Pam Duesling
Uzo Rossouw
Rob Dowler
- Colleen Sauriol
Director – Erika Ivanic
, Candidate –
Dylan Ward
Public Interest Rep
- Dan Labrecque
, Public Interest Rep –
Sheri Longboat
8. Acknowledgements
P. Lowes thanked all OPPI members, returning Council and incoming Council, volunteers and staff for their work and support throughout the year. P. Lowes took a few moments to acknowledge outgoing Council Member Kelly Weste, RPP who has been a Director on Council from 2017-2022 and served as Chair of the Governance and Nominating Committee.
9. Adjournment
P. Lowes thanked all members for attending the AMM. He called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Moved to adjourn the 2022 AMM. Moved by Justine Giancola. Seconded by Mark Seasons. Carried.