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AMM Agenda

2024 Annual Members' Meeting
Ontario Professional Planners Institute
September 26, 2024
Virtual: Impact   |   In-Person: Hamilton Convention Centre, Hamilton, ON

1. Welcome

Claire Basinski, RPP

2. Call to Order & Adoption of Agenda Pam Duesling, RPP Secretary/Treasurer
3. Approval of AMM Minutes of September 21, 2023  
4. Treasurer’s Report
4.1       Audited Statements for year ending
December 31, 2023
4.2       Appointment of Auditor
Pam Duesling, RPP Secretary/Treasurer
5. AMM Business
5.1       Other Business

Claire Basinski, RPP

6. Reports of the Nominations Committee & Introduction of 2024-2025 Council

Uzo Rossouw, RPP 
Chair, G&N Committee

7. Executive Director's Report Susan Wiggins, CAE, Hon IDC
8. Chair's Report

Claire Basinski, RPP

9.   Celebrations and Acknowledgements

Claire Basinski, RPP

10. Adjournment

Claire Basinski, RPP