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Beyond 25 Banner

September 21 and 22

2 days, 2 disciplines, 2 ways to participate – defining our professional roles and uniting to build more equitable, accessible and inspired communities.


Beyond 25 Banner

September 21 and 22

2 days, 2 disciplines, 2 ways to participate – defining our professional roles and uniting to build more equitable, accessible and inspired communities.



412B - Addressing affordable housing

October 14, 2020

11:15AM - 11:45AM

Grey County has a diverse geography and population with a mixture of rural, small urban, and recreational lands. Just as in other parts of the province, the need for affordable housing is becoming increasingly critical across Grey County and the area is experiencing labour shortages, in part due to the lack of available affordable housing. A one-size-fits-all approach does not work in Grey County due to our vast geography, needs, and income levels. Through partnerships with our member municipalities, major employers, university students, and housing and economic development departments, Grey County planners are developing a “Made in Grey” approach towards tackling affordable housing needs.
This presentation profiles actions being taken by Grey County, including updating the official plan, eliminating minimum dwelling sizes, developing a healthy communities checklist, producing educational animated videos on affordable housing to address NIMBYism, creating a community improvement plan template to fund new affordable housing, working with employers in the region to address labour and housing needs, updating the housing and homelessness plan, utilizing a “housing first” approach to the disposal of surplus municipal lands, and issuing requests for proposals for private development on former municipal lands, which must include a certain threshold of affordable housing. 
