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Symposium 2016

The Space Dilemma - Finding New Solutions for the Public Realm in our Rapidly Densifying Urban Cores

October 06, 2016

9:15am - 10:00am

The renaissance of our downtown cores as viable and vibrant mixed use communities has brought with it a new and entirely unanticipated challenge. As the city builds up, where will we go for respite from our daily routines? 

A coherent and connected park system is increasingly seen as a must have for a competitive city, yet this traditional resource has not kept pace with the growth rate of our urban centres. As a result, we are being pushed towards unconventional solutions for new forms of urban open space - and the results can be surprisingly dynamic. 

This talk will tackle an increasingly urgent call to action, using practical examples that build on the particular qualities of our unique urban infrastructure, painting a picture of an emerging and entirely new vocabulary of urban public open space. 
