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Southwest District Leadership Team Chair

Adam Betteridge, RPP

Adam Betteridge, RPP Photo

Director of Development Services, Township of Malahide

Adam Betteridge is a Registered Professional Planner (RPP) with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and a member of Canadian Institute of Planners since 2017. Adam has recently assumed the position of Director, Development Services with the Township of Malahide, located in Elgin County.

Adam is an outgoing, solutions-oriented and collaborative individual always looking to make connections. Adam’s planning career has primarily been focused in rural-development, spending most of his career in Perth County. Whether assisting a farm operator looking to expand, recommending a new subdivision promoting a mixture of dwelling types, or supporting Council with developing progressive land-use policies that allow local businesses to thrive, Adam has been commended for his abilities to help great things happen.

A graduate of the University of Waterloo School of Planning, Adam is currently a candidate in the Masters of Public Administration (MPA) program at Western University in London. Adam has volunteered with the Southwest District Leadership team since early 2018, taking on the roll of Vice Chair before becoming Chair in 2021. With past planning experience with the Town of Kingsville (Essex County) and the Region of Waterloo, Adam has experience and connections throughout the Southwest District.

Adam looks forward to continued involvement with the Southwest District and collaborating with the dedicated Leadership Team to continue to provide relevant and interesting events and resources to our membership.

Adam Betteridge, RPP