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2018 Annual Report

2018 Annual General Meeting Minutes

(For approval at the 2019 agm)
thursday October 11, 2018   
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
science north,
sudbury, Ontario

Registered Professional Planners
Informing Choices. Inspiring Communities.

1.  Call to Order and Opening Remarks
OPPI President Jason Ferrigan called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. with a quorum of voting members present, including a total of 11 proxies. Members eligible to vote and the voting procedure were reviewed with members attending the meeting.  

OPPI Council and Staff were introduced. Invited guests from OALA, OCCIAR and OAA were acknowledged.

2.  Adoption of Agenda
The meeting notice and agenda were sent to all members in accordance with the OPPI General By-law and it was noted that no substantive motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of July 16, 2018. As such, the agenda was adopted as circulated. N. Mott asked for an opportunity under other business to provide an announcement regarding CIP’s 100th anniversary.
Moved that the agenda be adopted as presented. Carried.  

3.  Approval of AGM Minutes of October 4, 2017
There were no changes or corrections to the minutes and they were accepted as presented.

4. Reports
4.1 Treasurer’s Report
Paul Lowes presented the Treasurer’s report, on the financial statement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2017, providing an overview of revenue and expenses. He noted that the Institute is meeting all its financial targets and goals, in keeping with a high-performance organization. Each year OPPI prepares an Annual Business Plan 2017 with benchmarks and indicators that measure progress on implementation of our strategic Plan INSPIRE OPPI.   

4.2 President’s Report
J. Ferrigan provided the President’s report highlighting accomplishments from INSPIRE OPPI in Action 2018, always being mindful of delivering member programs and services that provide member value and striving to provide opportunities to engage OPPI members to their fullest.  Guided by the vision and strategic directions of INSPIRE OPPI Strategic Plan, volunteers, Council members and staff were recognized for their contribution in realizing many of the significant accomplishments. J. Ferrigan also announced the results of the update to the By-Law which was approved by voting members with 94 % in favor and 6% opposed. 
All reports will be placed on file at the office of the Institute. Highlights of the reports can be found in the Annual Report and Meeting web page on OPPI’s web site.

4.3 Discussion
There were no questions or discussion of the reports.

5. Items for Membership Consideration
5.1 Appointment of Auditor
Moved that the firm Kriens~ LaRose, Chartered Accountants be appointed as the Auditor to audit OPPI’s financial records for the fiscal year ending 2018. Carried.

5.2 Approval of Actions
Moved that the membership of the Institute approve of the actions of Council taken during 2017-2018. Carried.

5.3 Motions submitted by Members
Request for submission of substantive motions for the Annual General Meeting was sent to all members by way of the members e-newsletter in June 2018 and posted on the OPPI website. No motions were received by the Registrar by the deadline of July 16, 2018. Motions concerning substantive issues that were not provided in writing by the above date were not considered at the AGM.

6. Other Business
OPPI member N. Mott approached J. Ferrigan in advance of the meeting requesting an opportunity to announce CIP’s 100th anniversary and celebration and as such read a declaration from CIP regarding the 100th year anniversary and celebration.

7. Election Results and Introduction of Council for 2017-2018
J. Ferrigan thanked the Governance and Nominating Committee, chaired by Bruce Curtis, and Diana Rusnov as chair of the Nominating Sub-Committee. He acknowledged and thanked all the members who submitted a nomination and who stood for election.     

The 2018-2019 Council is as follows:
  • President- Jason Ferrigan
  • President Elect- Justine Giancola
  • Director, Secretary/Treasurer- Paul Lowes
  • Director- Kelly Weste
  • Director- Bruce Curtis
  • Director- Jeffrey Port
  • Director- Claire Basinski
  • Director- Mathew Corey
  • Director- Eldon Theodore
  • Director- Adam Wright
  • Director, Public Interest Rep- Nathan Hyde

8. Acknowledgements
J. Ferrigan thanked all OPPI members, Council, volunteers and staff for their work and support throughout the year.
The following outgoing Council members were presented with a gift of acknowledgement and appreciation:
  • Tracey Ehl RPP- Director 2014-2018 and Chair, Stakeholder Engagement Task Force

9. Adjournment
J. Ferrigan thanked all members for attending the AGM. He concluded his remarks, inviting members to attend the next OPPI Conference on October 1, 2 & 3 2019 in Toronto, Ontario. He called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.