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Conference 2015

Municipalities - How Do They Operate?

October 07, 2015


Municipalities are unlike any other level of government in Canada, but too few planners understand the special rules that apply to municipal governments. This session will provide an overview of basic principles of municipal law.
The session will explore how municipalities fit into our federal system of government; the relationship between municipalities and the province; the municipality as a corporation and as a creature of statute; the scope of municipal legislative authority; the meaning of natural person powers; and how the courts and tribunals approach municipal decisions. It will highlight aspects of the Municipal Act, 2001 and the City of Toronto Act, 2006 of which planners should be aware. For instance, recent legislative changes may require that a site plan application include exterior design features, or that a development application may be subject to a special service area levy that cannot be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board.
