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Pre-Registration Required - Walking Tour. **Workshop is currently sold out**
Since 2000, about 1-million square feet of open space has been added to the downtown alone. This Mobile Workshop will showcase a variety of privately owned publicly-accessible open space (POPS) and other open spaces in downtown Toronto. These open spaces have been made possible through various planning tools, including Site Plan and Section 37 Agreements. The workshop will also feature prominent public art projects that animate these open spaces, often secured through the City's Percent for Public Art Program. The City recently approved a set of Urban Design Guidelines for POPS, as well as a signage program and mapping inventory of POPS location across the city. The guidelines provide direction as to the location and design of new POPS and revitalization of existing POPS. The POPS guidelines and implementation of POPS are applicable to other municipalities in Ontario that are exploring creative approaches to expanding the open spaces network. This walking tour was first offered during Jane's Walk 2014 and attracted more than 100 attendees. **Workshop is currently sold out**