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September 21 and 22

2 days, 2 disciplines, 2 ways to participate – defining our professional roles and uniting to build more equitable, accessible and inspired communities.


Beyond 25 Banner

September 21 and 22

2 days, 2 disciplines, 2 ways to participate – defining our professional roles and uniting to build more equitable, accessible and inspired communities.



705: Setting the Stage to 2051: Reimagining the Role of an Official Plan

September 22, 2022

11:15AM - 12:15PM

An official plan sets the tone for planning and development in a municipality. In pursuit of an innovative approach to building great places to live, work, and play across Brampton, the City, together with WSP, undertook a review and re-write of its official plan. Given that most of Brampton is subject to secondary plans that provide detailed planning policies for specific geographies, there was an opportunity to craft a new official plan – called “Brampton Plan”— which takes a strategic approach to land use planning. Brampton is at a pivotal moment in its planning history, and with almost all outstanding greenfield lands accounted for, it is looking to shift towards greater intensification and infill.

In pursuit of a refreshed approach to city-building, Brampton Plan streamlines the number of land use designations, broadly permits intensification and infill, and removes barriers to allow for equitable distribution of housing across the City. Brampton Plan also reflects work that was completed to prioritize certain areas for growth to allow the City to focus its efforts on strategic locations. It also works to realize the City’s 2040 Vision, which was developed with broad community and stakeholder engagement, and a series of lenses were applied to the policies of Brampton Plan to address cross-cutting issues such as equity, climate change, and design excellence.

Join our group of urban planners and landscape architects for this presentation where representatives from Brampton and WSP will highlight important lessons that can be gleaned from the process of developing Brampton Plan and what’s next for the City, as it looks to develop and update city-building tools, including its comprehensive zoning by-law and City-wide urban design guidelines. Following a brief presentation and panel discussion, a question-and-answer session will be held for attendees to share their own experiences. 
