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Conference 2015

Eight Ingredients to making Complete Streets a Reality: A Planner’s Role

October 07, 2015


Sample ingredients include a helping of strong policy, a dash of political buy-in, a sprinkling of funding and a pinch of luck. Complete Streets is a popular topic. Participants will actively contribute to a list of policy approaches that can support Complete Streets initiatives in the context of the Planner’s role. The presenters will share their own experiences with the Main Street project in Ottawa where Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan policy, in conjunction with a robust Environmental Assessment (EA) process, led to a Complete Streets approach being undertaken to what started as a more typical Integrated Watermain, Road and Sewer rehabilitation project. But does the Planner’s role stop at the conclusion of an EA? Do engineers take over as a project moves through functional design to detailed design and implementation? The O’Connor Bikeway project in Ottawa will form the basis for discussion around the role of Planner’s in this type of project. Additional ingredients to be discussed include a can of approval context, a drop of standards versus guidelines and a tad of public consultation. Case studies will form the basis for the sharing of lessons learned but it is the participants of this interactive session who will contribute to a successful outcome. In this recipe exchange, we will look to compile a list of persuasive answers to questions around Complete Streets Implementation.
Learning Outcomes:

  • The role of policy
  • Buy-in
  • Use of visuals in public consultation
